
Stack Emissions
AXIS environmental services stack emissions monitoring, work for EPA-licensed sites through its ISO 17025 accredited air emissions monitoring. AXIS is accredited to ISO 17025 by INAB for all parameters required by the EPA, as per Policy on Monitoring of Stack Emissions to Air at EPA Licensed Sites. AXIS operates its air emissions monitoring service in line with EPA Guidance Note AG2. The objective of AG2 is to promote best practices in the field of stack testing.
Occupational Air Monitoring
AXIS environmental services provide a large range of occupational air monitoring in line with NIOSH and OSHA standards. Occupational air monitoring is undertaken to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees and to ensure the employer meets their legislative requirements.
Crystalline Silica Dust
Inhalation of silica dust is the primary exposure route. The smallest size of the particle, the respirable fraction, is of the most critical concern for its health effects since it can penetrate deep into the lung.
The legislation relevant to respirable Crystalline Silica is an OELV of 0.1mg/m3 averaged over 8 hours. A risk assessment under these regulations is required where exposures to RCS can occur.
Health effects of respirable crystalline silica can include lung damage (silicosis). This damage is irreversible and treatment options are limited. Health effects from exposure may not occur for a period of 4 weeks to 10 years.
As part of the recommended control measures AXIS environmental services can carry out a risk assessment and air monitoring to ensure that employees are adequately safe-guarded against exposure and employers are compliant with The Safety, Health and Welfare At Work (General Application) (Amendment) Regulations 2016.
Air Dispersion Modelling
AXIS environmental services complete air dispersion modelling as part of environmental impact assessments for emissions to atmosphere and computer modelling for new and existing industries. Modelling will predict the potential ground level concentration of pollutants arising from both the development and background concentrations combined.
Assessments, case scenarios and adjustments can be made to the projects to ensure EC Directives are not contravened as result of the proposed development. The model used is Breeze Aermod. AERMOD is the state-of-the-science, steady-state Gaussian air dispersion model that is EPA-approved for most refined modelling scenarios. BREEZE AERMOD is an enhanced version of the EPA-approved AERMOD that provides modelers with the tools and functionality required to perform air quality analyses that help to address permitting, regulatory, and nuisance issues, perform academic research, and assist companies worldwide with capital planning.
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
AXIS environmental services have the capability to monitor and analyse ambient air quality.